Difference in the rise of nationalism between Uganda and Tanganyika Nationalism refers to the rise of consciousness and love for ones country. In Africa it was the desire for independence, self determination and common hatred to all evils associated with colonial rule. In East Africa nationalism was characterized mainly by the rise or formation of political parties such as Uganda People Congress (UPC), Democratic Party and CP in Uganda, KANU and KADU in Kenya and TANU in Tanganyika. [1] Also nationalism refers to attitude that the members of the nation have when they care about their nationally identity and the actions that the members of the nation take when seeking to achieve or to sustain self determination. Therefore African nationalism refers to opposition to alien control, the consciousness of the belonging to a particular Africa nation (actual or potential) to African in general, pride in the nations culture, traditions, institution and achievements and awareness of commo...
Matukio, Habari za Uhakika